What are the requirements to build a megastructure? Stellaris megastructures are titanic structures that give an empire specific bonuses. Megastructures have changed significantly since I first wrote this article. This has been updated to match the game requirements since the Libra 3.3 update.
You need to have the right DLCs and you need to research Mega Engineering plus the corresponding technology for each Megastructure. A construction ship is needed to build the initial site and then most Megastructures are upgraded in stages. They cannot be built around moons or asteroids.
Where to Build Megastructures And Their Requirements
You can only have one megastructure of each type in your empire. There are a few modifiers that can change the number which are discussed later in this article. Generally, you can only build one Megastructure per system unless it’s a Gateway or Habitat. Multiple habitats can be built in a system and a Gateway can be built in a system already containing a Megastructure. Megastructures can’t be built at small planetary bodies like moons or asteroids, and if there are research or mining stations in the system they will generally need to be dismantled first but don’t dismantle an Outpost or Starbase. You still need to retain control of the system so you can build in it.
The only other requirement is that you complete the research needed for unlocking each megastructure. These are rare technologies so these opportunities will only pop up occasionally. The only Megastructure that is not a rare technology is the Orbital Habitat.
Galactic Wonders Ascension Perk
The Galactic Wonders Ascension Perk is needed before you can build Ring Worlds, Dyson Spheres, and Matter Decompressors. Once activated it adds those to your research options.
Do You Really Need Mega Engineering?
I’m going to be totally honest here and say I’m not 100% sure but I’m 99% sure you need Mega Engineering researched before you can build megastructures (that 1% doubt is a real killer though). Although I’ve never played a game that I can remember where I got the option to build a Megastructure without Mega Engineering that doesn’t necessarily make it true.
The tool tips for this research are a little conflicting, at least to me, in that respect. Here’s what the tooltip says.
“To complete construction of projects of truly staggering scales we must first achieve a fundamental understanding of both the engineering and resource storage requirements for such megastructures.” Pretty clear, right? But the feature it unlocks is the ability to “repair ruined Megastructures.” So, I think this means you need it to build Megastructures and you definitely need it to repair Megastructures but what it unlocks makes me think something different.
Unfortunately, I didn’t set this website up to allow comments, but I do have a corresponding YouTube channel and I plan to release a video about Megastructures soon. When I do, I’ll provide a link to the video and if anyone is interested, they can make a comment there. Maybe someone can enlighten me or at least share their opinion with me.
Dyson Sphere

Dyson Spheres need to be built in systems without any habitable planets and there can be no mining or research stations, if there are you must dismantle them first but don’t dismantle any Outposts or Starbases since you still need to control the system so you can build in it. They must be built in systems with a single star (no black holes) and any planetary bodies in the system are made worthless by turning them into frozen wastelands. It costs 1,000 Unity and 5,000 alloys to build a Dyson Sphere site with a construction ship, it’s frame and each of its 4 stages of construction cost 5,000 Unity and 10,000 alloys each. It provides 4,000 energy per month when fully operational.

Gateways can’t be built in gravity wells so building one is a little different from the other ones. If you select a construction ship then right click on a planet or star you won’t be able to build one, the tool tip says you can’t build it in a gravity well. Instead, after selecting a construction ship, click on the Build Megastructure icon, choose Gateway, then zoom into the system you want to build it in. The gravity well will be highlighted in red, indicating the Gateway can’t be built in that area. Choose a spot outside the red zone and left click. The Gateway will be built at that spot. Gateways give your fleets the ability to almost instantly travel from one Gateway to another. It costs 75 Influence and 2,500 alloys for a construction ship to build the site. To upgrade to a fully functional Gateway it costs 6,000 Energy and 2,500 alloys.

Orbital Habitats must be researched before a Habitat can be built. They can be built above planets provided they don’t have an anomaly. Habitats are the only megastructure that does not require a site to be built first. The cost is 150 Influence and 1,500 alloys. More than one Habitat can be built in a system.
Interstellar Assembly

An Interstellar Assembly must be built at an unhabitable planet, in a surveyed system that is within your borders. The initial site must be built by a construction ship and it costs 2,500 Unity and 5,000 alloys to construct. It has 4 additional stages, each costing 2,500 Unity and 10,000 alloys to upgrade to the next stage. When fully functional it provides a 40% boost to diplomatic influence, and it gives you 2 more Envoys. It costs 40 Energy per month to maintain.
Matter Decompressor

A Matter Decompressor can only be built around black holes and there also cannot be any mining or research stations in the system. It costs 5,000 Unity and 5,000 alloys to build the site. Each successive stage costs 5,000 Unity and 12,500 alloys. It produces 2,000 minerals per month and costs 100 Energy per month to maintain when fully operational.
Mega Art Installation

A Mega Art Installation must be built at an unhabitable planet and in a surveyed system that is within your borders. The initial site must be built by a construction ship, and it costs 2,500 Unity and 5,000 alloys. It has 3 additional stages, each costing 2,500 Unity and 15,000 alloys to upgrade to the next stage. When fully functional it produces 480 Unity per month and a 20% increase in amenities. It costs 30 energy credits per month to maintain.
Mega Shipyard

Mega Shipyards are built in stages. The site costs 2,500 Unity and 3,000 alloys and it must be built by a Construction Ship. It must be built within your empire’s borders. Additional stages cost 2,500 Unity and 10,000 alloys. When fully completed it can produce an astonishing 20 ships at one time plus it increases your ship building speed by 100% throughout your empire. It costs 40 Energy to maintain when fully operational. This is the best Megastructure in my opinion. If you couple it with a gateway network you can produce fleets quickly and get them to trouble spots almost instantly.

Ringworlds must be built in systems without any habitable planets and there can be no mining or research stations. If there are you must dismantle them first but remember not to dismantle any Outposts or Starbases since you still need to control the system so you can build there. They must be built in systems with a single star (no black holes) and they render any planetary bodies in the system worthless by pulverizing them. It costs 300 Influence and 5,000 alloys to build the site alone, which must be built by a construction ship, plus it costs 5 energy in upkeep costs. Ring Worlds are built in sections and must be colonized the same as a planet.
Science Nexus

A Science Nexus must be built at an unhabitable planet in a surveyed system that is within your borders. The initial site must be built by a construction ship, and it costs a construction ship 5,000 Unity and 5,000 alloys to build the site. It is upgraded in three stages at a cost of 5,000 Unity and 15,000 alloys per stage. When fully completed it gives a 15% boost to all research speed, plus it gives a boost of 300 research to Physics, Society, and Engineering research. It costs 75 Energy per month to maintain.
Sentry Array Center

A Sentry Array Center must be built at an unhabitable planet in a surveyed system that is within your borders. The initial site must be built by a construction ship, and it costs 2,500 Unity and 5,000 alloys for a construction ship to build the site. It is built in four stages and each stage costs 2,500 Unity and 10,000 alloys. Once completed its sensor range covers the entire galaxy and increases Intel by 40%. It costs 100 Energy per month when fully operational.
Strategic Coordination Center

A Strategic Coordination Center must be built at an unhabitable planet and in a surveyed system that is within your borders. The initial site must be built by a construction ship, and it costs 2,500 Unity and 5,000 alloys. It has three additional stages, each costing 2,500 Unity and 15,000 alloys to upgrade to the next stage. When competed it gives an increase to Naval Capacity of 150, the ability to field 6 additional Starbases, raises the cap on platform defenses by 12 and increases your ships sublight speed by 15%. Its monthly upkeep is 75 energy units.
Required DLCs
Utopia DLC gives:
- Habitats (or the Void Dwellers origins gives it, which is part of the Federations DLC)
- Ring Worlds
- Dyson Spheres
- Science Nexus
- Sentry Array
MegaCorp DLC gives:
- Matter Decompressor
- Mega Art Installation
- Strategic Coordination Center
- Interstellar Assembly
Federations DLC gives:
- Mega Shipyard
- Habitats (if you choose the Void Dwellers origin).
Gateways do not need a DLC to be used.
How To Build Megastructures
There are a couple of ways to build megastructures. Probably the easiest way to build one is to select a construction ship, zoom into the system you want to build in, then right-click on the planetary body or star that you want to build at. Select the build megastructure option that appears on the pop-up, then click on the megastructure you want to build. Areas where it can be built will be highlighted by a ring.
Another method, and one that you’ll need to use if building a Gateway, is to select a construction ship, zoom into the system and right-click, then chose build megastructure from the option list that appears. Keep in mind that if building a Gateway you can’t build it in a gravity well, you’ll need to choose a spot outside it, something you can’t do using the method above. The gravity well will be highlighted with a red ring, you will need to construct the Gateway outside of that red ring.
Can megastructures be destroyed?
Short answer is no without a modifier, except for Habitats. All other megastructures can be captured or ruined but not destroyed unless some type of special event is triggered, like an empire asking you to dismantle one.
Can’t Build Megastructures?
These are common reasons why a megastructure can’t be built. Each megastructure has unique requirements, what’s listed below is a general list that applies in most circumstances. A method that usually works is to activate the megastructure build list. The tooltips will usually give you the reason why the megastructure can’t be built.
- The construction ship you’ve selected cannot travel to the selected system. The path the ship must travel is cut off by a hostile empire, one you’re not at war with but don’t have an open borders treaty with either.
- They must be constructed at the proper place. Some must be built around a single star while others, like the Matter Decompressor, must be built around a black hole.
- Except for Gateways and Habitats, they generally can’t be built in a system with another megastructure present.
- Check to see if there are other stations, like mining or research stations, present in the system. Most megastructures can’t be built if those are present.
- Most megastructures can’t be built at moons, asteroids or systems with anomalies.
- Some megastructures can’t be built if habitable worlds are in the system.
- The DLC that adds the megastructures must be active.
- The proper research must be completed.
How Many Megastructures Can You Build?
The base limit, without any game mods, is one of each megastructure except for Gateways, Ringworlds and Habitats. Also, generally, only one can be built per system. If you capture an enemy megastructure and repair or restore it or discover one during exploration, it does not count against your limit. You can even build another megastructure in the same system if you need to.
Without mods, the limit can be increased by one with the Master Builder Ascension Perk, and the limit can be increased again by one with the Ambition: Architectural Renaissance Ambition Edict.
Don’t forget to visit my YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcWU6qxVisK93h5guKRVtdg
The Master Builder Ascension Perk allows an empire to increase the limit of each type of megastructure by 1. If the limit is currently one, then the limit is increased to two for each megastructure. It also increases the build speed of a megastructure by 50%. There must be two other Ascension Perks active first before you can choose the Master Builder Ascension Perk plus Mega Engineering technology must be researched before you can choose it.