The Overlord DLC added Quantum Catapults to the game. How do you use them? How do you gain access to them? Are there any advantages to having one? Read on!
To use a Quantum Catapult first move your fleets into the same system as the Quantum Catapult. Go to Galaxy View and select your fleets. A targeting reticule appears. Place it where you want your fleet to go and if it’s green, click on the destination. After a warm-up period the Catapult will “slingshot” your fleets, hopefully somewhat close to the intended destination.
Stellaris Quantum Catapult
A Quantum Catapult “slingshots” fleets across the galaxy by harnessing the power of a star. You don’t need to enter it with your fleets (you can’t anyway), all your fleets need to do to use it is to be in the same system as the catapult. Just click the Catapult Fleet icon at the top of the fleet screen to use it. It’s probably easier go to the Galaxy View and then click the Catapult Fleet icon at the top of the fleet manager. After clicking the Catapult fleet icon, a targeting reticle will appear, a green reticle means everything is ok. Click on the destination and your fleets will on their way shortly after a brief warm-up time for the Quantum Catapult has elapsed.
When you own hyper relays a Quantum Catapult reduces the time spent by a fleet while Missing in Action by a certain percentage depending on the stage of the Catapult.
What Are The Requirements For Building A Quantum Catapult?

First you must have Maga Engineering technology unlocked and have the ability to build Battleships. After you unlock Mega Engineering, you’ll need to unlock the Quantum Catapult technology when it becomes available.
If you want to have a Quantum Catapult in the early game, then select the Slingshot to the Stars origin when starting a new game. This guarantees that a ruined one will be in a system close by, plus you’ll have the technology to fix it and use it. Another advantage to this origin is that Starbases can be built for 75% less in Influence, a significant reduction. You’ll still need Mega Engineering unlocked to improve the Quantum Catapult.
Since a Quantum Catapult needs an immense amount of power it harnesses the power of a star, and not just any star. It can only be built in a system with either a Pulsar or Neutron Star. Also, it cannot share the system with another Megastructure like a Mega Shipyard.
Quantum Catapult Stages (Not Ruined)
A Quantum Catapult has 3 stages, with each higher stage providing more range, shorter warm-up times, better accuracy, and less time fleets spend Missing in Action.
- Site
- It takes a Construction ship to build the site
- Building the site takes 5 years
- Cost is 375 Influence (not Unity) and 6,250 Alloys.
- Upkeep Costs are 5 Energy Credits per month
- Stage 1
- Upgrading to stage 1 takes 5 years (no construction ship needed)
- Cost is 12,500 Alloys.
- Upkeep Costs are 10 Energy Credits per month
- 10% reduction in Missing in Action time (if you have Hyper Relays)
- Stage 2
- Upgrading to stage 2 takes 5 years (no construction ship needed)
- Cost is 12,500 Alloys.
- Upkeep Costs are 20 Energy Credits per month
- 20% reduction in Missing in Action time (if you have Hyper Relays)
- 25% reduction in Catapult warm-up time
- Longer range than stage 1
- Better accuracy than stage 1 (the longer the distance to target the less accurate the targeting becomes)
- Stage 3 (final stage)
- Upgrading to stage 3 takes 5 years (no construction ship needed)
- Cost is 12,500 Alloys.
- Upkeep Costs are 30 Energy Credits per month
- 30% reduction in Missing in Action time (if you have Hyper Relays)
- 50% reduction in Catapult warm-up time
- Longer range than stage 2
- Better accuracy than stage 2 (the longer the distance to target the less accurate the targeting becomes)
Ruined Quantum Catapult Stages
- Restored
- Takes 10 Years to restore a Quantum Catapult
- Cost is 2,500 Alloys
- Upkeep Costs are 20 Energy Credits per month
- 30% reduction in Missing in Action time (if you have Hyper Relays)
- Improved
- Takes 10 Years to improve a Quantum Catapult
- Cost is 15,000 Alloys
- Upkeep Costs are 40 Energy Credits per month
- 30% reduction in Missing in Action time (if you have Hyper Relays)
Is the Quantum Catapult Useful?
Yes. One use could be for bypassing an empire with closed borders that you aren’t at war with so you can attack another one. Accuracy is the biggest problem. Fleets will be scattered when they arrive, making them easy targets if you need the strength of several fleets together to survive and win. If some fleets happen to end up in an empire with closed borders they will immediately warp back home, leaving your remaining fleets possibly exposed due to reduced firepower.
Another use is if a crisis emerges in a distant part of the galaxy, you can get some fleets into the area to help our besieged allies although fleets will still be scattered upon arrival.
A good method to counter the scattering of the Quantum Catapult is Jump Drives or Psi Drives. Jump drives “tear ship-sized holes” in space, provided almost immediate travel between systems although the range is limited. By using jump drives you can quickly reassemble your fleets and prepare for battle.
Stellaris Hyper Relays

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Since I mentioned Hyper Relays in this article, they’re worth a brief mention. Hyper Relays can be constructed after unlocking the Hyper Relay technology. When a network of Hyper Relays is constructed, it enables fleets to travel almost instantly from one sector to another. They’re great for rushing fleets to troubled areas in your empire and if you have an open borders treaty with another empire you can use theirs for travel as well. They take a year to construct and cost 25 Influence, 500 Alloys and 100 Rare Crystals. They can be built in systems with wormholes and gateways, making them an efficient network for getting fleets to remote parts of the Galaxy fast. The drawback is that you need to control both ends of the network, something you don’t have to worry about with a Quantum Catapult.